We are dedicated to uplifting the stories we all hold, in a way that is accessible and inclusive. Through individualized support, we build the goals and accountability you need to write.

As a Team

Aurora and Taryn met through Vermont’s local NaNoWriMo group and quickly realized they had a lot to talk about. Beyond writing, they were both stuck in jobs that made them unhappy - what they really wanted was to be writing or talking about writing or thinking about writing or reading about writing. They decided to combine the powers of their MFA’s, queer-ness, and neurodivergent aspects to form The StoryWilds. Now, they help writers grow the way the two of them were helped - through commitment, craft, and community.

Aurora Hurd


  • Novels, Novellas, Short Stories, Flash Fiction, Podcast Scripts, Graphic Novel Script

  • Adult, New Adult, Young Adult

  • Science Fiction, Fantasy, Diverse Romance, Speculative Fiction, Historical Mystery

I’m Aurora (they/them), a Vermont writer who loves to write across genres from science fiction, fantasy, romance, historical fiction, and have begun dabbling in mystery, primarily novels, novellas, short stories, and flash fiction for Adult and Young Adult audiences. I received my MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College. When I’m not writing, reading, or teaching you’ll find me doing equity work and serving on my local City Council.

Taryn Haas


  • Novels, Short Stories, Graphic Novel Scripts, Flash Fiction

  • Young Adult, Middle Grade, New Adult, Adult

  • Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Contemporary, Surrealism, Fairytale Retellings, Speculative Fiction, Romance

I’m Taryn (they/them), a Vermont writer with a passion for discovering what drives a story and the best ways to bring it out. I’ve written myriad genres, including fantasy, science fiction, and horror, and across formats and age ranges, from poetry to flash fiction to young adult to short stories. I have my MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts in Writing for Children and Young Adults. When I’m not writing, I’m hanging out with my dogs, playing board games, climbing, or snowboarding.

Ready to Begin?